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Anti-Bullying Week 2019: How to react to bullies, where to seek help, and what can parents do?

8th November 2019

Bullying in schools takes so many forms. There is a difference between occasional name-calling and sustained physical abuse, though both have the same root cause and both can damage to a young persons wellbeing and development many years into the future. What is bullying?"Bullying is defined as deliberately hurtful behaviour, repeated…

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Anti-Bullying & Cyber Bullying Poster Ideas | Our Blog

22nd December 2017

Bullying of any kind is unacceptable and it can have devastating consequences for a school child. All schools need to take the issue of bullying seriously and one effective way you can do this is by getting your students to design posters which will get them thinking about the topic.Anti-Bullying…

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