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What extracurricular activities look best on a university application form?

24th May 2018

What are extracurricular activities?Extracurricular activities are activities that are not required on the set school curriculum, but which you take part in out of school hours or during school lunch breaks.When you are applying to university, extracurricular activities are important because they teach you skills you will need at university…

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How to support pupils at school with medical conditions

24th May 2018

What is the law on supporting a pupil’s medical conditions at school?The Department for Education issues statutory guidance about the support that pupils with medical conditions should receive at school.This framework highlights that a child’s medical conditions in a learning environment must be fully supported so that the pupil can…

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How should success at school be celebrated?

23rd May 2018

Part of a teacher’s job is to motivate their students and one way of doing this is to provide incentives by celebrating achievements and success. This encourages students to want to do well and to believe that they can do well.It is important to celebrate success at school because it…

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